Transportation Of Dangerous Goods Online Course
METI’s Transportation of Dangerous Goods Online Course gives you terms associated with TDG, the roles & responsibilities of shippers, handlers, drivers and inspectors and the classification and communication of dangerous goods. Our TDG online course gives you easy to follow instruction in Classes, Schedules, Shipping document requirements, Safety marks, Means of containment, Special labeling requirements, When to remove placards, UN numbers and other safety marks, Altering shipping documents, Mixed loads, Exemptions Inadequate or incorrect safety marks, Identification of accidental and imminent accidental releases, Reporting requirements and ERAP requirements.
Due to the recent number of amendments to Transportation of Dangerous Goods regulations in Canada, Maritime Environmental Training Institute has designed and developed this new, interactive online training piece in TDG for Road Transport. Sign up today for METI’s Transportation of Dangerous Goods Online Course and become compliant with the latest amendment changes from Transport Canada. A fully compliant course, METI’s Transportation of Dangerous Goods Online Course offers training and certification in:
- Terms associated with TDG
- The roles & responsibilities of all involved in TDG (shippers, handlers, drivers and inspectors)
- Classification and communication of dangerous goods including:
- Classes
- Schedules
- Shipping document requirements
- Safety marks Means of containment
- Special labeling requirements
When to remove placards, UN numbers and other safety marks
- Altering shipping documents
- Mixed loads
- Exemptions
- Inadequate or incorrect safety marks
Release Or Anticipated Release Of Dangerous Goods
- Reporting requirements
- ERAP requirements
Transportation of Dangerous Goods Online Course Key Benefits
- Employees trained via eLearning bring in 26% more revenue
- eLearning training requires 40-60% less employee time than alternatives
- The eLearning industry has grown over 900% since 2000
- METI’s popular online safety training is industry-approved
- Our online courses are designed and developed by our professional program development team and are geared to adult learners
- Our online courses save you time and money
- You and your team can train anywhere, anytime with our online courses
- Our online courses are mobile responsive, which means you can take them on tablets, iPads or smart phones