Tower Rescue Training
Tower Rescue Training
METI’s Tower Rescue Training provides you with theoretical training in contemporary tower rescue strategies and gives you hands-on training in our realistic, training facility.
METI’s Tower Rescue Training prepares you to perform rescue of workers who become incapacitated while on a tower.
Over the past 30 years, the growing demand for wireless and broadcast communications has spurred a dramatic increase in communication tower construction and maintenance. In order to erect or maintain communication towers, employees regularly climb towers, using fixed ladders, support structures or step bolts, from 100 feet to heights in excess of 1000 or 2000 feet. Employees climb towers throughout the year, including during inclement weather conditions.
Some of the more frequently encountered hazards include:
- Falls from great heights
- Electrical hazards
- Hazards associated with hoisting personnel and equipment with base-mounted drum hoists
- Inclement weather
- Falling object hazards
- Equipment failure
- Structural collapse of towers
The Canada Labour Code (2.18 (1)) states: “No employee shall climb a tower, an antenna or an antenna-supporting structure unless (a) the employer has authorized the employee to do so; (b) the employee has been trained and instructed in a safe method of climbing; and (c) the employer has provided a fall-protection system in accordance with section 12.10.”
METI’s Tower Rescue Training Benefits
Training is delivered by industry-experienced faculty who train in:
- Use of equipment such as tower climbing harness
- Definitions & Descriptions of Components
- Hazard Assessment
- Legislation in Fall Protection
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Safe Work Practices
- Anchors
- Rigging and Packing the System
- Suspension Trauma
- Communication – Chain-of-Command for First Responders
- Managing the Victim
Your Tower Rescue Training Ticket
Your Tower Rescue Ticket is provided on completion of this course. Whether you are looking for a Tower Rescue Ticket, a Tower Rescue Certification, or completion of a Tower Rescue course, this is the correct course.
Upon completion of this program, you will receive a wallet-size Tower Rescue Training Ticket, that will show prospective employers that you have the credentials.
Your Tower Rescue Training Certification
Prospective employers may require confirmation of your Tower Rescue Certification. Feel free to have your prospective employer contact METI to confirm your Tower Rescue Certification.
Group Pricing for Tower Rescue Training available. Please contact us at (902) 539-9766, or send us an email at for more information. Click here to see all our Safety Training, Courses & Services.
Tower Rescue Training Prerequisites
Current Fall Protection Certification CSA Work Boots Tower climbing harness Work positioning strap Rescue helmet