Safety Leadership Online Course
METI’s Safety Leadership Online Course provides detailed information on such things as distinguishing between the types of hazards, assessing risk, job safety analysis, field level hazard assessment, reporting requirements and responsibilities of those in the Canadian work place. Our online course was designed and developed for anyone in management or who is in front line supervision. Maintaining the health and safety of the workplace, while avoiding loss, are the primary responsibilities of managers and supervisors. Train to implement and maintain a safety management system while ensuring the health and safety of everyone at your workplace and avoiding loss by taking our Safety Leadership Online Course. Perform your due diligence by taking Safety Leadership Online Training today.
Safety Leadership Online Course Key Benefits
- Employees trained via eLearning bring in 26% more revenue
- eLearning training requires 40-60% less employee time than alternatives
- The eLearning industry has grown over 900% since 2000
- METI’s popular online safety training is industry-approved
- Our online courses are designed and developed by our professional program development team and are geared to adult learners
- Our online courses save you time and money
- You and your team can train anywhere, anytime with our online courses
- Our online courses are mobile responsive, which means you can take them on tablets, iPads or smart phones
- Upon completion of this Safety Leadership Online Course, you will receive a wall certificate and a wallet-sized certificate (ticket)
- METI’s online learning platform retains all training records and certificates should your